Due to the persisting coronavirus crisis we have decided to have COMMA 2020 fully online. We will use Zoom to host all the events in the conference. A link for partecipating will be sent to all registered users. The events will also be avalialbe in streaming at the following link.
The 8th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument will be held September 4th-11th 2020 (preceded by a Summer School) at the University of Perugia in Italy. We cordially invite submissions and participants to this conference!
The aim of the COMMA conference is to bring together researchers interested in computational models of argument and the representation of argumentation structures in natural language texts, including the problem of automatically discovering argumentation in text or speech.
In addition to the main conference track, there will be thematically-focused workshops, system demonstrations, and a summer school with courses on current topics of argumentation.
A best student paper award will be awarded, sponsored by the Italian Association of AI.

For questions and comments to the organizers please send a mail to Stefano Bistarelli.